Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Book Thief

Let's just make this short. I found this movie to be boring. Like it entertained me in the beginning and then slowly died off and I kept hoping it would end a lot sooner than it did. I just couldn't get into it. It didn't really feel like there was any true plot to it. The actors were great; they were just given a really crappy script. I can't even describe how unenthusiastic I was about this movie.

Maybe you just have to have a sincere appreciation for history and World War 2, which I lack, but blah. Even then though, you're sitting there thinking "Why am I watching this?" I would give this movie 1.5 out of 5 stars simply because the actors do a good enough job to keep you on the edge of conscious when you really just simply wanted to sleep. If you want to see this movie, I'd save your money and wait till it hits DVD.

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