Saturday, November 30, 2013


What is there that's bad to say about this movie??? Not a whole lot! This is probably one of Disney's best movies since their "classic" phase. I know some critics are going as far as saying it's the best movie since The Lion King, but I don't know if I would go that far. It is a musical and I wasn't really expecting that, but it didn't really bother me either. I think Frozen would make an awesome Broadway musical though. I just loved the movie. It was super cute to me! If you're skeptical about new Disney movies but are thinking about spending the money to see this one, you definitely should! The characters are all fun and adorable!!!

I would give this movie 4.2 out of 5 stars just because some parts of the movie, like you have in any movie are like, "Blah, why is this even necessary or relevant to anything that is going on?" Maybe because I'm just a huge child, but there are parts that literally made me laugh out loud. This is just a feel good cute movie and I would put it in the same if not better category than Despicable Me.

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