Saturday, November 23, 2013

Thor: The Dark World

Ahhh, Thor. Who doesn't love Chris Hemsworth throwing a hammer around? Scratch that and rewind. Who doesn't love Chris Hemsworth period?? Natalie Portman, beautiful woman. The whole cast did a really awesome job and this is one of those movies that keeps you guessing (unless you have super freaking predicting abilities that most don't possess). I happen to think that the second movie outdid the original. This movie was more witty and entertaining. I honestly went one day with a friend and then the next day saw it again. I think it's pretty safe to say that Loki makes that movie what it is. He is what we call, the comic relief. He just makes the movie so much better and I ended up developing a strong appreciation for his character. If you choose to see this movie while in theaters, I urge you to wait through all of the credits for there are bonus scenes which pretty much leave you guessing what the third one will be about. This movie arouses all types of emotions to be displayed and that was a nice touch. I personally recommend this movie and give it 4.3 out of 5 stars. Some parts will probably make you angry and if you're wondering if you should have seen Avengers or Thor first, I would just so you'd understand some of the references but it's not like you'll be at a complete loss as to how you should be reacting.

All in all, I thought that it was an incredibly well made movie! (Let's be honest though, besides The Wolverine, Marvel hasn't really made any movies that weren't awesome lately!! Woot!). Now we all just have to wait patiently for Captain America: The Winter Soldier to come out on April 4, 2014.

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