Sunday, December 29, 2013

Saving Mr. Banks

If you're a classic Disney fan, then this is a must see for you! Saving Mr. Banks is the story behind the making of Mary Poppins, which as practically everybody and their mom knows, is a beloved Disney film. I was quite surprised, because without knowing much about it, I agreed to go see it with my dad and his mom. It was lovely and funny. I was laughing for a good portion of the movie.

The movie runs at about 2 hours and yes, I guess you could say that makes it a long movie, but it wasn't too bad. I only questioned one time if the movie was close to ending and then sure enough, it was. Overall, I'd like to think this is a classic feel good movie. If this movie is playing in a theater near you, I would invest and go see it. 4 out of 5 stars from me! It was really a nice job done by all.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Book Thief

Let's just make this short. I found this movie to be boring. Like it entertained me in the beginning and then slowly died off and I kept hoping it would end a lot sooner than it did. I just couldn't get into it. It didn't really feel like there was any true plot to it. The actors were great; they were just given a really crappy script. I can't even describe how unenthusiastic I was about this movie.

Maybe you just have to have a sincere appreciation for history and World War 2, which I lack, but blah. Even then though, you're sitting there thinking "Why am I watching this?" I would give this movie 1.5 out of 5 stars simply because the actors do a good enough job to keep you on the edge of conscious when you really just simply wanted to sleep. If you want to see this movie, I'd save your money and wait till it hits DVD.

Saturday, November 30, 2013


What is there that's bad to say about this movie??? Not a whole lot! This is probably one of Disney's best movies since their "classic" phase. I know some critics are going as far as saying it's the best movie since The Lion King, but I don't know if I would go that far. It is a musical and I wasn't really expecting that, but it didn't really bother me either. I think Frozen would make an awesome Broadway musical though. I just loved the movie. It was super cute to me! If you're skeptical about new Disney movies but are thinking about spending the money to see this one, you definitely should! The characters are all fun and adorable!!!

I would give this movie 4.2 out of 5 stars just because some parts of the movie, like you have in any movie are like, "Blah, why is this even necessary or relevant to anything that is going on?" Maybe because I'm just a huge child, but there are parts that literally made me laugh out loud. This is just a feel good cute movie and I would put it in the same if not better category than Despicable Me.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Delivery Man

Oh, Vince Vaughn. Lately, your films have been nothing but disappointing. I saw The Internship back in June and honestly, that could have been so much better. Not to say that it was a bad movie, because it wasn't, it was just depicted to be a whole lot funnier than it actually was. Having said that, I had low expectations for Delivery Man but it truly did turn out to impress me. The actors did a really good job, and Vince plays a relatable character, that is if you look past the difference that he's fathered 533 children. This movie deliveries a fair amount of comedy for as serious of a subject as it is. It wasn't lacking but it wasn't over achieving either. I'd say it was just right.

I'd give it a 4 out of 5 stars just because I was moved by the movie. The film is labeled as a comedy but let me warn you, it's stupid humor and chances are you probably won't even laugh that often if you're looking for humor. I'd call it a feel good movie.


Yesterday I saw Homefront which stars Jason Statham and James Franco. I don't even know where to begin. It was a good movie. The bond that the father (Jason) and his daughter have is adorable. He's always there for her, protecting her. He'd do anything, and does, for her. James Franco plays a total badass named Gator. I can't really say anything else without blatantly repeating the synopsis but I found this movie to be enjoyable. Typical drug/killing type movie. There was a lot of action and a couple explosions. It wasn't as bloody as I feared it could have been so that's good for I am not a fan. But the way the movie ends, you'd think that there would be a part two. Maybe there is. Who knows? I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

I give this movie 3.8 out of 5 stars. Like you're literally paying for what you expect it to be. Don't be so judgemental.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Catching Fire

Today, I saw the latest installment in The Hunger Games trilogy...and oh, my. The last movie I can remember actually crying at was Captain Phillips. This movie made me want to cry at 4 different scenes! It's emotionally crazy but oh so very good! I would definitely say this topped the first one. What sucks is the fact that this is going to be a saga and book 3 will be broken into 2 movies. Jennifer Lawrence is an amazing actor. She does an outstanding job, as always, as Katniss. It's been about 5 years since I read Catching Fire so I can't really say how well it did compared to the book, but I do know if you're a fan of The Hunger Games, chances are you'll enjoy this movie. CRAZY.

Peeta, I never really liked him. I think it was more based on actor choice, but he grew on me in this movie and I kind of liked Gale less. I don't know. Maybe it was just my mood. All that is completely irrelevant. Haymitch...I love him. He's classy.

The thing I like about these movies is that the colors chosen are normally bright. And bright movies are normally more energetic and fun and they don't leave a depressing feel. Which is awesome, because sometimes I feel like I should be more depressed after watching people slaughter each other...

Any way, really good movie. It's definitely going to be the top movie with box office sales. I don't think many fans will be disappointed at all. I would give this movie 4.7 out of 5 stars. It was just that good. It also is a movie that's long, but you don't feel it...if that made any sense.

Thor: The Dark World

Ahhh, Thor. Who doesn't love Chris Hemsworth throwing a hammer around? Scratch that and rewind. Who doesn't love Chris Hemsworth period?? Natalie Portman, beautiful woman. The whole cast did a really awesome job and this is one of those movies that keeps you guessing (unless you have super freaking predicting abilities that most don't possess). I happen to think that the second movie outdid the original. This movie was more witty and entertaining. I honestly went one day with a friend and then the next day saw it again. I think it's pretty safe to say that Loki makes that movie what it is. He is what we call, the comic relief. He just makes the movie so much better and I ended up developing a strong appreciation for his character. If you choose to see this movie while in theaters, I urge you to wait through all of the credits for there are bonus scenes which pretty much leave you guessing what the third one will be about. This movie arouses all types of emotions to be displayed and that was a nice touch. I personally recommend this movie and give it 4.3 out of 5 stars. Some parts will probably make you angry and if you're wondering if you should have seen Avengers or Thor first, I would just so you'd understand some of the references but it's not like you'll be at a complete loss as to how you should be reacting.

All in all, I thought that it was an incredibly well made movie! (Let's be honest though, besides The Wolverine, Marvel hasn't really made any movies that weren't awesome lately!! Woot!). Now we all just have to wait patiently for Captain America: The Winter Soldier to come out on April 4, 2014.